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We don't really know how to do a blog so be patient with us as we explore this and in time hopefully you will enjoy reading it. As we are retired now & have sold our house we live in a campground for the summer and now we are going to travel to find a place to call home for the winter months. This blog is about our travels in our quest to find that place we can call home for the winter. We will enjoy having you along with us on our travels.

Monday, December 6, 2010

2010-10-29 Trip from Amarillo, TX to Wayne & Donnas in Kingman, AZ

 Old graveyard along the way.

Some pictures from Amarillo, TX to Kingman, AZ.

 Can you see the lonely house.

 Cows at the watering hole.

 One of the decorative overpasses.
Notice the art on the side wall to the right.

 One of the few side roads off of Route 40.

 Going into Albuquerque, NM.

 Decorative sound barrier walls.

 One of the many long trains we saw along the way.

 Another train.

 Do you see the ranch at the bottom.

 Some horses walking down the road.

 Almost to Flagstaff, AZ.

 Flagstaff, AZ.

 Snow on the mountains of Flagstaff, AZ.

 Bonnie's reflection in her laptop
while taking pictures along the way.

Little piece of rainbow in the sky.

Took this picture of the setting sun just as the truck went by.
Looks like the truck is on fire.

This was a very long day we drove over 700 miles to get to Kingman, AZ. It was dark when we left Amarillo and it was dark by the time we got to Wayne & Donna's.  The reason we push through was because Donna called us and said it was going to get very windy the next day and that they close the roads when it gets that windy.


  1. Very long drive and a lot of nothing but also very beautiful landscape along the way

  2. Came back to comment after looking at these again - the scenery is beautiful but the stretch of road looks lonely. Loved the sunsets.
