About Us

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We don't really know how to do a blog so be patient with us as we explore this and in time hopefully you will enjoy reading it. As we are retired now & have sold our house we live in a campground for the summer and now we are going to travel to find a place to call home for the winter months. This blog is about our travels in our quest to find that place we can call home for the winter. We will enjoy having you along with us on our travels.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010-10-31 Our 2nd Day At Wayne & Donna's

 Our home for the next 3 1/2 weeks.

 The back of Wayne & Donna's house.

 Part of Wayne & Donna's driveway.

 Cactus in back of Wayne & Donna's.

 Dead cactus that they use for firewood.
Burns great.

 More cactus.

 The mountain that we're going to go up on the ATV.

 Wayne leading the way.

 Rough road.

Video of us going up the mountain.


 Bill & Bonnie going up the mountain.

 Looking back where we just came from.

At the top of the Mountain.
 Bill on the edge of the mountain.
Can you see the tractor trailer trucks in the upper right of picture?
 Having a drink on top of the mountain.

 More views from the top.

 Video at the top of the mountain.

 Going back down.

Video going back down the mountain.

Another video going back down the mountain.
 Looking back where we were.

 A big Barrel cactus.

 Bill & Bonnie next to big Barrel cactus.

Another video still going down the mountain.

 Two tries to get up this ridge.

 Some of the washed out road.

 Where we were.

 Wayne leaving us in the dust.

 Wayne not waiting for us.

 Trying to catch up to Wayne.

 Struck Bonnie funny with cows in corral with gate wide open.

 Back at Wayne & Donna's.

 Donna, Blue (the dog) & Debbie.
Debbie's is where we went for the Halloween Party.

 Sometimes Blue (the dog) looks Gray and sometimes Brown.

Jas on the coach and Blue on the floor.


  1. We enjoyed your pics and videos. We always enjoy seeing where your adventure is taking you.

  2. Posted and then lost it. Anyway - I felt like I was on the rocky mountain road trip with you. A few times you had me sweating because I thought you might tip or go off down the mountain. lol Thanks for sharing and I can't wait for the next adventure.
