About Us

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We don't really know how to do a blog so be patient with us as we explore this and in time hopefully you will enjoy reading it. As we are retired now & have sold our house we live in a campground for the summer and now we are going to travel to find a place to call home for the winter months. This blog is about our travels in our quest to find that place we can call home for the winter. We will enjoy having you along with us on our travels.

Friday, February 18, 2011

2010-11-23 Leaving Wayne & Donna's

This was the day we left Wayne & Donna's and headed 
down to Phoenix, AZ to visit with Nick & Sue.

 Woke up to a lot of frost this morning.
Good time to leave!

 Everything was covered with frost.
It was bitter cold, but beautiful.

 Notice the fence to keep the dogs in.
It's also to keep the cows out.

 Cows can look in the windows and go in the breezeway.

 Video of a Coyote that came up the driveway 
and then went up the hill behind 
Wayne & Donna's as we were getting ready to leave.

 Hooked up the camper the night before. 

Just have to undo electric and water and we're ready to go.
Bill's hands were freezing.

 Not white paint on the tables, it's FROST.

 Wayne & Donna's water tanks. 
They have water delivered about once a month.

 Bill's final checks before we leave.

 Last look back as we're leaving.

 And we're off.

 Two mile drive till we get to pavement.


 Looking back.

 Frost at the last wash before paved road.

 Pulled over for our last check before we hit pavement.

 Notice frost still on truck.

End of dirt road and finally on paved road.
Heading to Phoenix, AZ.
Happy and sad we're leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't believe the frost but you have some beautiful scenery pics. The fences made me chuckle - can't imagine waking up to a cow at my door. Those coyotes don't seem too afraid of humans. Thanks for sharing again Bonnie. You're doing a good job on this blog. By the time you get home you'll be a professional. lol Take care and safe travels. :-)
