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We don't really know how to do a blog so be patient with us as we explore this and in time hopefully you will enjoy reading it. As we are retired now & have sold our house we live in a campground for the summer and now we are going to travel to find a place to call home for the winter months. This blog is about our travels in our quest to find that place we can call home for the winter. We will enjoy having you along with us on our travels.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2010-11-18 Bike Ride to The Hoover Dam

This is a good picture of the washboards in the
road that Wayne & Donna live on.

 Scenery on our way to the Hoover Dam.

 Looking back.



 Notice the overpass ahead that was built so the 
rams could cross the road to avoid accidents.

 Can you spot the ram.

 Here it is zoomed in.

 Going across the Pat Tillman Bridge into Nevada. 
Notice the people on the right that are walking out on the 
bridge to look down at the Hoover Dam.

 This is the road that goes to the walkway on the 
Pat Tillman Bridge and also the Hoover Dam.

 Looking down at the road we were just on.

 Security check before you can get to the Hoover Dam.

 Parking lot to walk up on the Pat Tillman Bridge.

 Large group of motorcycles coming down the road.
At least 42 of them.

 Looking down from the bridge at the road that goes to the dam.

 Bill looking over the side of the bridge.

 The Hoover Dam from the Pat Tillman Bridge.

The Hoover Dam from the Pat Tillman Bridge.

 Plaque on the bridge marking the border
between Nevada and Arizona.

 This is the plaque at the Apex of the Arch 
on the Pat Tillman Bridge.

 Notice the vehicles at the bottom of the dam.

Video from the Pat Tillman Bridge.

 Picture of the bridge walkway from the Arizona side
looking across to the Nevada side.

Video of motorcycles on the Hoover Dam.

 Looking at the road to the dam from the bridge.
Can you see the motorcycles.

 Bonnie on the Pat Tillman Bridge with the 
Hoover Dam in the background.

 Bonnie straddling Nevada and Arizona.
Notice how big the plaque is.

 Can you see the boat?

 Walkway that we went up to get to the Pat Tillman Bridge.

People pulling in as we were getting ready to go down to the dam. Notice the guys mustache.
  Looking at the Pat Tillman Bridge as we're going down to the dam.

Looking up at the Pat Tillman Bridge as we're going under it.

 The columns supporting the bridge.

 Sculpture dedicated to the construction workers.

 Looking down from the parking garage at the cafe below.

  Elevator that goes down in the dam.

  Plaque on the elevator.

 Bonnie in Nevada and Bill in Arizona at the middle of the dam.

 Looking down from the top of the dam.

 Video on the Hoover Dam.

 Another view of the cafe from the parking garage.

 Pictures as we're leaving the Hoover Dam 
heading back to Wayne & Donnas.

 Bill stopped to take his helmet off and we saw 
this unusual looking trike.

  Can you tell it has a steering wheel?

 You can't sneak up on someone in the desert.

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